Student Expectations
Students will:
- follow the Eagles' Way
- follow the directions given by adults at all times.
- keep their hands and feet to themselves. They will not engage in public display of affection (PDA), horseplay, play fights, or physical or sexual harassment. A two-second hug (as a greeting) is allowed.
- respect fellow classmates and treat others as they wish to be treated.
- comply with all school policies as outlined in the student planner.
- carry their planner AND use their planner as a hall pass.
- remain on campus the entire school day (unless they have been excused by a parent/guardian.)
- use only kind words when communicating with others. Profanity, vulgar behavior, bullying, harassment or intimidation may result in suspension.
- abide by the district Zero Tolerance Policy. (See "Facts for Parents" booklet.)
- behave with integrity and honesty. Students will not participate in cheating, plagiarism, theft, alteration of materials or forgery.
- eat healthy foods at school (but not in the classrooms.) Canned drinks, candy (especially suckers), cakes, cupcakes are not to be at school. Water is allowed.
- leave gum and candy at home. Students will be asked to throw gum and candy in the trash. Gum packs and candy may be confiscated. Gum damages school property and causes distractions to learning.
The Eagles' Way
Encourage Others
Accept Differences
Give Respect
Learn to Listen and Listen to Learn
Expect Positive Results
Strive for Excellence
Voice and Movement Level
The following noise level and walking/running expectations may be referred to by level by Taft staff for various activities around campus. When asked to comply with a level, please do so.
Voice Levels
0 - Silent, not talking (taking a test)
1 - Whisper (no vocal cords)
2 - Conversation (only people near you can hear)
3 - Presentation (whole class can hear)
4 - Cheering (sports games)
Movement Levels
0 - Standing still or sitting down
1 - Walking slowly (too slow to get to class on time)
2 - Walking steadily (with purpose)
3 - Walking fast (power walk, in a hurry)